To take your book of greeting cards one step further, add a title or graphic to the cover &/or spine. The perfect finishing touch!

Below are the three ways we can personalize your book. Put a title or add a pre-designed, non-customizable graphic on the front cover. Or add a title to the spine. If you want to put a large graphic on the front cover, a title on the spine, & add volume numbers to the spine as well, let’s do it! If you want something custom, we can do that! If you are overwhelmed, I can help you!

Not all of the designs are compatible with books that have both bookcloth & paper for the cover, so I’ve done my best below to make it clear what your options are.

spine title

Just like the title of a book, a few words on the spine can help to set it apart from the other books on your shelf. Multiple books? Add volume numbers!

front cover graphic

Choose from a variety of non-customizable graphics to add a little flair to the front cover of your book.

front cover title

Your names, a date, or a phrase–name your book!

Step 1 // Design

The materials on your cover will dictate which direction we go with the design. If your book is a solid material (ie, the cover is only a paper or a bookcloth, not a mix of the two), any of the designs below will work for either. However, if your book has both bookcloth & a handmade paper on the outside cover, any title or graphic cannot span across the two types of materials.

All font options can be found at the bottom before the order form. I’ll send color options after we’ve determined your design & book materials.


title on the Spine

Suggestions include your name, date, or a short phrase. Because of the size, keep it short & sweet! Spine thickness must be at least 1” wide for any text & full-size titles are not available for books with both bookcloth & paper on the spine. (See Mini-titles below.)

Placement & Orientation // Text is either center or left aligned. Text can read:

  • Traditional left to right – spine text will read left to right when book is placed face up on a table. (Ex above: Hazel & Derek)

  • Vertical type (Ex above: “Baby”, not recommended for any script fonts)

  • Horizontal type on a vertical spine (Ex above: “We Love Because…”) Spine thickness must be at least 2” thick for this option.

Non-customizable volume numbers can be added to the bottom of the spine (+$8).

All font options can be found at the bottom before the order form. I’ll send color options after we’ve determined your design & book materials.


mini-TITLE on the spine

If your book has both bookcloth & paper going across the middle of your spine, your title will automatically convert to a Mini Title. Spine thickness must be at least 1” wide for any text.

Green represents bookcloth, or a second material. The light green represents the ribbon that covers the seam.


front cover title

Green represents bookcloth, or a second material.


Click here to view all of the monogram options.

Suggestions include your name, a date, location, or a phrase. Longer phrases may not work with covers that have both bookcloth & paper materials.

Size // Size will depend on the number of characters, font, & the final size of your book

Placement // We can put this anywhere on the cover that you want, materials allowing. For most projects, I suggest the top center, middle center, or lower center.

All font options can be found at the bottom before the order form. I’ll send color options after we’ve determined your design & book materials.


front cover graphic

From baby showers to weddings, & everything in between & beyond, choose a graphic to complete the front of your book. While the designs of these graphics cannot be changed, you can add a title with most.

Not all graphic options are available for books with both paper & bookcloth on the cover.

Size // Max size of graphic will depend on the size of your book, but will fill the cover proportionally. If you add a title, the size of the text will depend on the artwork you choose & the final size of your book.

Placement // Placement can be top center, middle center, or bottom center.

Don’t see a category that fits your book contents? I’m working on adding new options, so please let me know in the Special Requests box of the order form what you want.

Click a category below to view the graphics available:


Step 2 // Font

Special characters & incorporating 2 fonts per book is allowed.

Fonts include the following: Annlie, Bertham, Black, Farmhouse, Mahogany, Merlot, Poker Night, & Trade Gothic.