sydney {bridals on the farm} belton, texas
I can finally share the new Mrs. Pena’s bridal photos, & let me say this day was such a joy. And quite hysterical.
Sydney is my cousin, & she wanted to do her bridal portraits on the family farm in Belton. We got a little bit slower start than we intended & once we finally got on the road to the creek, we were immediately met with our first obstacle. One of the worker’s trucks was parked in the middle of the road & his dog was running around. There was no way around the truck so we used our Nancy Drew skills to figure out a phone number to call (thanks to the dog’s collar). Finally past that hurdle we were able to start our shoot.
But then an armadillo happened along our path & Sydney wanted to hop out & chase it. Don’t worry, she made sure to grab a towel to hold it. Yes, she was still in her dress. No she didn’t get it dirty. While she was unsuccessful, the photos (& video) of that little moment was the best.
Later, the cows decided to come out & inspect our photo shoot but started to get a little too curious. I had to take the bouquet away & lead them away to avoid hoof prints on her dress.
10/10 Would do a cow pasture bridal photo shoot again.